Return to the login page.

Registration of Users

  • If your Local Church previously registered an USHERS institutional account, then you already have a Group Token. Please request for your Group Token from your Church Administrator
  • Usernames are limited to characters such as digits, upper and lowercase letters and underscores
  • Good Passwords contain
    • At least 6 characters long
    • At least one uppercase letter (A..Z)
    • At least one lowercase letter (a..z)
    • At least one number (0..9)
    • At least one special character ( ! @ # $ & * ? > < . : ^ % - = + ) except for apostrophe and qoutation marks
  • Your password and confirmation password must match exactly

To enrol an institutional account, click here

Scroll down to continue.


Registration Form


How to set date

  1. Click the year on the upper left corner.

  2. Scroll up to find the year applicable.

  3. Click the year.
  4. Use the left or right arrow head to change the month.

  5. Click the day.
  6. Click the set button on the lower right corner.


 Network Connectivity

Instructions on how to make other devices connect into USHERS:
  1. Connect into the service router
    For WIFI connection:
     Turn on the WIFI capability of your device.
     Select the SSID or router name that is connected to the internet.
     Insert the Password if necessary.
    For DATA connection:
     Turn on the DATA capability of your device.
     Select the SSID or router name that is connected to the internet.
     Insert the Password if necessary.
  2. Open a Web Browser such as Google Chrome.
  3. On the URL Address Bar, type ''
    NOTE: The server hosting USHERS is protected by a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
  4. Bookmark the page for future use.

Welcome to the Unified Social Heuristics Electronic Repository System.


Welcome to the Unified Social Heuristics Electronic Repository System.